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Game Designing

Accessible game development for all levels. Create games with a visual interface and programming language, supporting various genres and platforms.

By enrolling in this program, children not only get to learn about the basic game building but they are able to build 2D and 3D games. This program will train their logical thinking skills to solve problems and bring their imagination to live by designing their very own game!

Suitable for:

  1. Students aged 10 years old and above
  2. No experience needed!

Lesson highlights:

  1. Coordinates
  2. Variable
  3. The character’s behaviour and its camera setting
  4. Creating 2D & 3D games!

Equipment needed:

  1. Laptop
  2. Mouse
  3. Stationery
  4. Water


Most frequent asked questions and answers

Yes! As this is a beginner class so no prior programming knowledge is required. Our mentors will guide them through step-by-step.

Do contact us and book for a consultation. No charges will be imposed. During the consultation, we will give some exercises to your child to determine his/her suitability and place him/her into a suitable class.

Certainly! If your child has prior programming experience, they can undergo an assessment to determine their proficiency level. Our Trainers will then provide personalized advice on the suitability of the program, ensuring that your child is appropriately placed for an enriching and challenging learning experience.

Yes, but subject to availability of our mentors. Please contact us for more information.

It will be depending on your request and the availability of our mentors. Do contact us for more information for further adjustment. Anything is possible!